It is possible to indicate per product or all at once whether you want to send a fictitious stock (a fake stock) to a sales channel. This is useful to ensure that your competitors cannot see how much stock you have. There are also many tools for example bol that track the sales of a particular product to see if the product is selling well. With fictitious stock, you ensure that this does not work for you products.
You of course do not want to sell 100 pieces of a certain product while you only have 4 in stock. That is why you can also set a stock threshold in ShopLinkr. You can indicate that when the stock of your product reaches 10 pieces, the actual stock will go online. This prevents you from selling products that you do not have at all.
You can set a fictitious stock at the company level and at the product level. If you do this at the company level, it will apply to all products. If you do this at the product level, it only applies to that one product. You can choose for each product whether you want to override the default (from the company level). For example, you can set a fictitious stock quantity of 500 at the company level, and for 1 product, you can set this to 30.
To set the fictitious stock at company level
, go to "Settings —> My Company".
To set the fictitious stock at product level
, go to "Update Product" on a product (the pencil icon at the top right).
You have 10
pens in stock. You have set a fictitious stock quantity of 100
and a threshold of 5
. At this moment, the stock on your sales channel will be 100
Once you have sold 5 pens, your stock will thus be 5
, which is also your threshold, so ShopLinkr will now make the actual stock of 5
available online. This is to ensure that you do not sell products that you actually no longer have in stock.
NOTE: ShopLinkr is in no case responsible for damage caused by the use of this functionality.