Realtime stock management
Have you ever been wrong on a product? The customer expects to receive the product tomorrow, but you don't even have it in your warehouse. You contact the customer and have to disappoint him that it cannot be delivered tomorrow. You never want to experience this as a seller.
You can prevent this by using ShopLinkr. We collect all orders every minute, so we have an accurate picture of your stock and we can easily pass this on to your sales channels.

Stock forecast
Do you also have difficulty calculating when a product runs out of stock? This is a thing of the past! ShopLinkr calculates when your stock will run out based on sales from the past X days. This way, you know when your product will be out of stock and when you need to restock.
Types of stock
In ShopLinkr you have 3 different types of inventory:
Available inventory: This is the inventory that is available for sale.
Reserved inventory: This is the inventory that is reserved for outstanding orders.
Total inventory: This is the sum of the available and reserved inventory; when you walk to this product in your warehouse, you will see this inventory.

Accurate insight
Do you ever wonder why your inventory is so low? That you no longer know why the stock of a product is suddenly 0? No problem. In ShopLinkr you can see exactly what happens and why a product has a certain stock.
Manage locations
Do you have a large warehouse or just a small one? It doesn't matter, because big or small, it starts with a good foundation; the locations of your products. Where are your products located? Can someone start right away when they see your warehouse for the first time?
At ShopLinkr, we believe that keeping track of stock locations is one of the most important things when having your own inventory. If you do this well, you won't have to wonder where that one product is anymore.
You can create a hierarchy of locations and link products to them.
You can see on the orders page and in the pick & pack list where you need to pick the product in your warehouse.
You can also see which location your products are in, giving you an optimal overview of your inventory!

Fictive stock
Do you also find it annoying that other sellers can see exactly how much stock you have of your products? Or that "spiders" and "crawlers" continuously scan your product information to find out how often you sell something? We completely understand that! You certainly don’t want your competitors to know exactly how many pieces you sell of your bestsellers.
That’s why we developed the dummy stock! Set in ShopLinkr that a dummy stock of, for example, 300 pieces is passed on to your webshop, as long as your own stock is at least 4 pieces. Do you have, for example, 10 pieces in stock? Then we show 300 pieces on your webshop, so your competitor can’t see how much you really have in stock. If your stock drops to 4 pieces or less? No problem! Then we automatically switch to your real stock, so you don’t sell products that you don’t have in stock.
Curious how this function works? Then check out this manual and discover all the details!

LVB switch
Do you also find it so annoying when a product shows as "out of stock" as soon as your LVB inventory is depleted, while you still have enough stock in your own warehouse? With ShopLinkr, you can prevent this problem!
You can easily set it up so that as soon as the LVB stock is empty, the location is automatically switched to your own warehouse, including your delivery time. This way, your product remains available for sale, and you prevent lost revenue.